I just got

Apr 02, 2024,18:48 PM

some tools to rebuild Rolex bracelets. This will be very interesting.

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Here you go

 By: cazalea : April 2nd, 2024-19:52
Tied up in knots ...  

Is this one save-able?

 By: patrick_y : April 2nd, 2024-19:57

This will really be interesting

 By: Jari from Finland : April 3rd, 2024-10:01
When thinking about your earlier excellent projects good outcome is to be expected


 By: FranckAlexandre : April 2nd, 2024-20:04
Thatโ€™s interesting Jocke If you can make a kind of Tuto it would be nice Thanks for sharing Best Franck

I will do a litte tutorial.

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : April 2nd, 2024-20:07


 By: FranckAlexandre : April 3rd, 2024-09:47