Good idea Art …

Apr 26, 2023,06:50 AM

I’m sure it will be a good opportunity for a GTG. 

Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this one but thanks for organising it. 

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WatchProSite is hosting a get-together with Jason Wilbur, . . .

By: Dr No : April 25th, 2023-20:01
. . . creator of the Devon Tread and WILBUR, who will present his line of watches to our community. If you are, or can be, in Orange County, California on May 27th and have an interest in WILBUR, please send me a private message. Seating will be limited. ...  

Good idea Art …

By: Cpt Scarlet : April 26th, 2023-06:50
I’m sure it will be a good opportunity for a GTG. Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this one but thanks for organising it.

Realizing these official GTGs don’t just happen but…

By: Jay (Eire) : April 26th, 2023-17:28
…it’d be pretty great if we could get some official events going. Can you take it back to the board and discuss?

Will do, Jay . . .

By: Dr No : April 26th, 2023-17:41
. . . we really should get back into community events as we did in the first ten years of our site . . .

Also, doesn’t always have to be in person….

By: NickO : April 26th, 2023-20:50
You know, my 84 year old mom is awesome on Teams. I bet almost all of us here became Zoom or Teams experts overs the last few years, whether we wanted to or not Virtual get-togethers could be a nice option to acquaint with members outside your geo…..

This is a good point. I’ve done several ZOOM watch meetups.

By: Jay (Eire) : April 28th, 2023-16:49
Factory tours, meet the watchmakers etc. Next time Nicolas goes to JLC he needs to wear a GoPro and stream it live.

I didn't realize he was part of the Devon Tread.

By: Todd B. : April 27th, 2023-01:29
I own two Devon watches and didn't realize he was the design force behind them until looking around on their website. Interesting new company/line, Wilbur. Will definitely keep an eye on this brand. ...  

Hope you can join us in OC on the 27th, Todd . . .

By: Dr No : May 4th, 2023-20:07
. . . as Jason's current offerings . . . . . . stem from the same school of design. Art ...