cool macro when you can even see air bubbles in the oil on a jewel

May 26, 2023,15:58 PM

just noticed this smile

and when looking at jewels ...
The one on the parachute system is round but the shape of the metal gives is a nice and original look

And a last one ....
Just because I like the blue screw and the wheel and the frosted finishing
O heck, I just love the entire watch smile smile smile

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cool macro when you can even see air bubbles in the oil on a jewel

 By: Bruno.M1 : May 26th, 2023-15:58
just noticed this and when looking at jewels ... The one on the parachute system is round but the shape of the metal gives is a nice and original look And a last one .... Just because I like the blue screw and the wheel and the frosted finishing O heck, I...

Amazing shots.

 By: m2 : May 26th, 2023-16:04
The Tradition series really holds up amazingly well, especially for what they sell for used. No other watch in this range looks as good under a macro lens.

Very nice to see!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : May 26th, 2023-17:56

Great pictures Bruno

 By: ChristianDK : May 26th, 2023-18:11
This must be the strongest value proposition in the market right now. This can’t last. It wouldn’t be fair considering the quality offered.

Amazing timepiece and pics!

 By: enjoythemusic : May 26th, 2023-19:50

Awesome, my friend.

 By: amanico : May 26th, 2023-20:41