A sweet little watch (update)

Jan 10, 2025,08:58 AM

It’s meant for my wife but didn’t come in time for Christmas.

#66 of 100

Update: it’s off to the shop already. See post later in this thread... at least I still have my dinosaur towel to soak up my tears. 


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Congratulations on this nice addition

By: Arronax : January 1st, 2025-00:08
I have been looking at this exact model several times on their website, I am looking forward to seeing more live pics!

Sad Update on the sweet little watch 😕

By: cazalea : January 9th, 2025-16:04
I found it very difficult to wind! I think the stem was cut too short, so the crown was rubbing on the case when turned while in the base position… Some conversation with Nivada resulted in a nearly instant diagnosis & suggestion of “We’ll change the ... 

Keeping fingers crossed 🤞🏻

By: KMII : January 10th, 2025-11:48
At least they seem to display the correct attitude to the issue 👌🏻👍🏻

Cute penguin dial...

By: espedidomuhammad556 : January 11th, 2025-03:18
Luckily you found this problem in time. If you repair it earlier, you can get a perfect treasure sooner! Just wait a little longer, maybe...