"I've got my hands between two warm...

Nov 05, 2014,12:18 PM

... pillows..."  THOSE ARE NOT PILLOWS!!!

Er, um, how 'bout those Bears.

- Scott

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Rolex? Ha! This Is A...

 By: elliot55 : November 4th, 2014-19:22
Rouchefoucauld. The thinnest water-resistant watch in the world. Singularly unique, sculptured in design, hand-crafted in Switzerland, and water resistant to three atmospheres. This is *the* sports watch of the '80s. Six thousand, nine hundred and fifty f...  

Love that film!

 By: Horologamist : November 4th, 2014-19:49
Wanna trade places with my Rolex? Horologamist

Hey Horologamist, It's One Of My...

 By: elliot55 : November 5th, 2014-12:14
... favorites. A buddy and I have seen it so many times we can say the line of dialogue right before the actor says it. "One dollar... fine... if that's the way the Dukes want it, that's the way the Dukes will have it!" - Scott

Mother always said you were greedy...

 By: Horologamist : November 7th, 2014-21:32
... she meant it as a compliment! My favourite line. Horologamist

Had to look it up

 By: docsnov : November 4th, 2014-20:19
My first thought was it was something Ricky Bobby would have said, but I found the reference. Very nice. A singularly unique post. Stewart


 By: Horologamist : November 4th, 2014-20:25
Here's another: Is that a real Rolex? Do you think it is? No. But who can tell? Horologamist

Brief search, but no go

 By: docsnov : November 4th, 2014-21:18
care to share? Actually wait for others to take a shot. Look forward to the answer Stewart

That would be ...

 By: Horologamist : November 5th, 2014-05:07
Home Alone - the scene where Macaulay Culkin's mother is trying to pawn her effects to get an airline ticket. Acknowledgement to Twentieth Century Fox for the attached pic. Horologamist ...  

Hey Docsnov, Ricky Bobby Lines Notwithstanding...

 By: elliot55 : November 5th, 2014-12:16
... Ricky Bobby : [ running around on the track in his underwear ] Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! AAAAAHHH! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me! Hysterical! - Scott

I love it

 By: docsnov : November 5th, 2014-16:04
I don't if you watched Ricky's sponsor ads after the credits, but one of my favorites was the simple "If you don't chew Big Red, then F%$@ You" (something like that, funnier when Will Ferrell is saying it, just dead pan stupid funny). Glad to find someone... 

At first sight, I thought it was a fake.

 By: amanico : November 4th, 2014-22:20
At second sight, too... :)

Louis Winthorpe had to trade it for...

 By: elliot55 : November 4th, 2014-23:35
fifty bucks in the movie, "Trading Places". The guy who owned the pawn shop? Bo Didley. Best, my firend! - Scott

;) [nt]

 By: amanico : November 5th, 2014-02:07

I'd trade that watch . . .

 By: Dr No : November 5th, 2014-09:35
. . . for a stack of Bo Diddley records ;-) . . .

I'd Trade Places With...

 By: elliot55 : November 5th, 2014-12:13
... Bo Didley, but Chicago is to dang cold! See you Saturday! - Scott

Planes, Trains & Automobiles ....

 By: nilomis : November 5th, 2014-05:35
Classic scene. Could not locate it on YouTube. Then the late John Candy waves a Casio, doing a fancy gesture. No deal. Cheers, Nilo

"I've got my hands between two warm...

 By: elliot55 : November 5th, 2014-12:18
... pillows..." THOSE ARE NOT PILLOWS!!! Er, um, how 'bout those Bears. - Scott