mine is well...

Jan 23, 2019,23:21 PM

... very precise, so your watch will be well regulated! But the wait is annoying. Hope it'll work out quick!!

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Senator Cosmopolite

 By: p.boxster : January 23rd, 2019-02:55
... I can‘t wait for my next intercontinental travel trip... ...  

Looks huge indeed...

 By: p.boxster : January 23rd, 2019-03:07
...but the angle emphasizes it... Will take better photos...

Congrats and hope that you have to travel a lot around the world now!

 By: Tony.A. : January 23rd, 2019-03:00
It must be the first Senator Cosmopolite in here )


 By: peroni : January 23rd, 2019-03:20
You lucky bastard haha yes Think it is the some what wide angle of phone cameras combined with closeup snapshots that makes watches look bigger.

Not that big

 By: manilx : January 23rd, 2019-03:48
Had it on my wrist last November at Place Vendome.... Love the looks (love travel watches also). But in the end I didn't like the setting of the various functions.....

Fantastic — an amazing piece from GO!

 By: Moana43 : January 23rd, 2019-05:03
Congrats! I think this is the most sophisticated travel watch out there. Really impressive.

Senator Cosmopolite

 By: Boxcar : January 23rd, 2019-12:26
Wonderful watch. Love mine . Its running too fast so i have to send in for an adjustment. Not too concerned, but hope it doesn’t take too long.

mine is well...

 By: p.boxster : January 23rd, 2019-23:21
... very precise, so your watch will be well regulated! But the wait is annoying. Hope it'll work out quick!!

A very interesting concept of travel watch indeed...

 By: JLCman : January 24th, 2019-00:13
Very classical. I love it 👍🏻