We know that the laureato was introduced in 1975

Sep 13, 2023,13:32 PM

But when was it designed? Was it truly designed before the Royal oak ?

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Interesting question

 By: SingaporeMarc : September 13th, 2023-19:22
Where did you hear that the laureato was designed before the Royal Oak? I can categorically tell you that a Adolfo Natalini did NOT design the laureato. It was an in-house GP designer that did. His name has never been released by GP.

No. He did not design the laureato.

 By: SingaporeMarc : September 13th, 2023-20:25
Did he ever do some contract work for GP? Not that I know of. The story of the architect Etc got mixed by marketing folks and press and it stuck. GP never made it a point to “un-stick” it. It’s the same myth that the laureato was named after the movie. Ag... 

I did some basic Googling...

 By: mdg : September 13th, 2023-19:27
...and could find nothing about the original design process. I'm sure that GP has the original sketches somewhere, but other than that it may be hard to find out...

Yes. There is no “genta-like”

 By: SingaporeMarc : September 13th, 2023-19:57
Story of ship portholes and sketches being on napkins the 24 hours before SIHH etc. This is part of the problem with GP and especially the laureato. No creation stories. Ironic…. when GP wants to be Iconic. We don’t even know who designed the laureato. ...  

Agree. Someone needs to

 By: SingaporeMarc : September 13th, 2023-20:20
tell GP that. ...  

Who designed the original laureato in 1975?

 By: SingaporeMarc : September 13th, 2023-21:01
We know Adolfo Natalini did NOT design the original laureato in 1975. So who did? I posted the question to GP on IG. Like and follow and maybe they may tell us. I’m sure many would be curious to know … ==

Amazing that the story is so prevalent now across the internet.

 By: gadalex : September 14th, 2023-09:07
Literally everywhere I searched yesterday mentions his name. So Natalini had no known association with GP? Regards, Baruch

As far as I know … he had no relationship with GP

 By: SingaporeMarc : September 14th, 2023-14:14
This crazy story they Aolfo Natalini designed the laureato in 1975 has been allowed to perpetuate itself. Notice on the GP website, they say nothing about him. All the attributes given to him Are from 3rd party websites and reviews etc. And GP further say... 

Thanks. I wonder if Adolfo himself was aware that the design had been incorrectly attributed to him!

 By: gadalex : September 14th, 2023-14:48
I can't think of any logical reason why the designer's identity can't be disclosed. Regards, Baruch

Bizarre right? Who cares even if it was the janitor.

 By: SingaporeMarc : September 14th, 2023-15:02
Me too, Alolfo passed away a few years ago. He was 78. I have a feeling that he didn’t know. Or if he did, then just couldn’t be bothered to decline the “honor”. As you may know, I run the laureato fan club on Facebook and I’ve requested for GP to disclos...