Reference 9034 C ”Dot dial” – connecting the dots!

Feb 25, 2015,00:02 AM


Last week I showed you a fun watch, which also holds the Masthead spot this week: the 9034 C!

With help from my friends at the Manufacture I am now able to give you some more information regarding this watch!

Before we go into details about the “Dot dial”, let me tell you a bit more about the reference 9034.

Reference 9034 was a big seller for Girard-Perregaux!

I have seen records indicating that the reference was in production all the way from 1967 up until 1976. At least 13 700 watches were made during this period. 13 700?! Why do we don’t more of these “Dot dials” around if so many?

The answer is easy; the “Dot dial” was probably only one of many batches of the reference 9034! I write probably, because there are no records of exactly how many of these were made.

From what I could find out at least the following sub-references existed within the 9034: AF, BB, B, C, D, FA, FG, FH, FK, FM, GA, GF, GH, GK, HA, HG, HK, KA and Q! 19 sub-references in total!


The case is 34.5 mm in diameter and existed both in steel and Gold plated…

From what I understand, all of them had the same base caliber inside. Caliber 12 based on AS 1640.

Caliber 12 had several versions, among them was the 12.09, three armed ring balance, 12.4, non-Kif hollow plate and in the 9034 C: the caliber 12.3.

The caliber is a manual 17 Jewels with a frequency of 18 000 vph. Time only with sub-seconds at six o’clock.

Sub-seconds you might ask? Yes, sub-seconds. The most common 9034 was in fact a Sea Hawk!


Here is an image from the production sheet:

And here is a photo of the actual watch borrowed from Giuseppe.

[Pic credit: Giuseppe ”Robert11a2001”]

Among the different versions of the 9034 there is another very different one: the 9034 KA which was made for Rotary in 500 pieces.

As you might notice neither the Rotary nor the “Dot dial” versions have sub-seconds.

Back to the “Dot dial”, the only indication of this dial being used is on the 9034 C. The 9034 C batch was made in September 1967 and contained 1 000 pieces. If all of these watches had the “Dot dial” or not the records don’t tell…

But I doubt it, since it is a quite rare bird and only pops up once in a while… But there is no way to be sure! Maybe there is another 999 “Dot dials” out there hiding from us…


Retail price in 1967 was 145 CHF for the “Dot dial” in steel while the more common Sea Hawk was 135 CHF in steel.

34.5 mm of pleasure and fun!





This message has been edited by blomman on 2015-02-25 00:03:30

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Comments: view entire thread 

This one looks like a creation from Pierre Cardin! Deliciously Sixities!

By: amanico : February 25th, 2015-00:08
Thanks for these great informations, Blomman. I saw very few 9034 C, maybe 4 or 5 these last 10 years. At the beginning, I thought it was a customized dial! And when I understood it was the real Mac Coy, it was too late. Too bad! The hunt goes on... Best,... 

I have one gold plated

By: Rui.machado : February 20th, 2016-16:03
Mine is in great condition, if you want I an send photos.... I would love to ear more details about this watch as I know so little about it.

Welcome here Rui!

By: blomman Mr Blue : February 21st, 2016-00:11
Of course we would love to see photos of your watch! Please upload some here with the photo uploader or send the to me and I will upload them for you. Blomman @ PuristSPro . com (remove spaces) Best Blomman

Photos sent

By: Rui.machado : February 21st, 2016-04:27
As I seem unable to post correctly, I sent photos for your email. Please upload if you can, I will try to take better photos if anyone interested. Thanks for the help.

some more info

By: crown comfort : February 25th, 2015-02:32
there is also some additional information from an older post (2010) from Giuseppe: (I hope the link insert works) CC

Thank you for the additional info, CC!

By: blomman Mr Blue : February 25th, 2015-11:09
This indicates that the "Dot dial" was not only limited to the C series but also FK. Best Blomman ...  

Somehow esoteric & unusual.. 2Qs: 1/ do the holes increase size from 1- 12 ?

By: hs111 : February 25th, 2015-03:20
../2 was there indeed nothing in the holes, no number(s) ? - To me, a bit as a missed opportunity (?).. But I guess, one probably has to see this one in the real, to catch something of this 60ies charm & spirit ?.. Best, hs

Nothing in the holes....

By: blomman Mr Blue : February 25th, 2015-11:13
But there were another version of the 9034 GK with numbers. As for the dots - one is the smallest and 12 is the largest. Best Blomman ...  

Ho trovato una scatola

By: robert11a2001 : February 25th, 2015-11:31
Ci sono anche un paio di " variazioni sul tema " quadrante molto interessanti un'altra bella variante è la Blu ( orologio che purtroppo non ho), anche se io preserisco la " Dot Dial " presentata ottimamente da Blomman. ASSOLUTAMENTE FANTASTICO Il "ROTARY ...  

Priceless, Giuseppe! :)

By: blomman Mr Blue : February 25th, 2015-11:37
You have a box...! ;) What a wonderful line up! :) Question? Are all reference 9034? Do you know which 9034 XX? The blue is super cool! The Dot dial with central second, is that really 9034? Thank you for sharing, my friend. Best Blomman


By: robert11a2001 : February 25th, 2015-12:04
nella scatola: Il quadrante nero è 9034 Q Il " Bandiere " è 9034 D i Dot dial da sinistra a destra 9034 FK 9034 BB 9034GF Il quadrante blu è 9034 GF Il gyromatic con secondi al centro ha una cassa scafandrata di tipo " americano" con il marchio GP in camp...  

Case numbers were covered here

By: TS1987 : March 28th, 2015-21:19
Reference number, serial number, etc. Great idea to have them on the inside of the case as they won't be polished off.

Another shocking discovery

By: robert11a2001 : February 26th, 2015-10:38
Me ne è stato proposto uno simile ma il prezzo richiesto era fuori dal mio la cassa fosse stata in acciaio avrei fatto follie :-) Ciao Giuseppe ...  

absolutely , forse è stato creato proprio per quella specifica festa :-)

By: robert11a2001 : February 26th, 2015-11:40
Io ho una mia teoria su tutte queste sorprendenti varianti del GP 9034. Un'orologio che nasce con linee pulite e un po' seriose , tecnicamente ben costruito e dalla grafica sobria e minimale......che a qualcuno può sembrare quasi noioso Ecco un'esempio Po...  

crikey...I'm not worthy

By: ongch : February 27th, 2015-08:30
Giuseppe, thanks for the pics and post. That's such a cool collection! Regards Chris

A quick follow up

By: crown comfort : March 25th, 2015-03:13
on this older post on the psycho dot dial 9034s. I was able to pick a 9034 GK up as a real bargain. I would have prefered the steel over the gold plated, but these chocolate dots with numbers on gold are kinda cool. Watch will need some TLC, a new crystal...  

Can anyone give more details about this one?

By: Rui.machado : February 21st, 2016-04:20
model 9034 gk If anyone can give me more details I would appreciate. Thank you Machado ...  

Here are your photos!

By: blomman Mr Blue : February 21st, 2016-08:44
Very nice! Congratulation! Your watch belongs to the 9034 GK batch from December 1970. Gold plated with steel case back. Quite a rare dial, less seen than the dot dial. Hope this helps. Best Blomman ...  

Telephone Dial 9034 gf

By: StevenSilverCT : June 7th, 2024-02:36
My wife just secured the "telephone Dial" version for my birthday. It's a real uniquely fun edition to my collection. I haven't found any information or others currently available. Any insight would be greatly appreciated Cheers ...  

Wow 🤩

By: SingaporeMarc : June 7th, 2024-09:07
Rare bird. Fantastic piece. Fantastic wife. Ask wife if she teaches classes to other wives please. 😀🤝