Not recommending this to anyone else, but I drank it

Jun 07, 2024,23:55 PM

My uncle bought 2 bottles of VERY OLD champagne about 12 years ago, judging from the date of this picture. I can't remember if he carried it out from NY or if he shipped it, but I can see I was wearing a Rolex at the time it arrived.

The bottle level has dropped significantly.

Friends Susan and Michel were here this week, we drank some wine, and we got carried away. Michel has a farm in New Jersey with a vineyard, and grew up in Arles. We tend to talk about wines and drink a few when he's here in San Diego... and so, this my friends, is the color of 125 year old champagne.

AFTER filtering it a few times,

and making a mess of the table.

The Louis Roederer was very tasty, no bubbles of course, but there was still clearly a good pinot somewhere deep inside the bottle.

The other bottle was not worth drinking - dark purple water is how I described it.  Corks a bit dry.

The corks were held in by wires, not string, hence the mess.

I waited a couple days after drinking to report on this, to be certain I was going to survive the experience...


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That's old!

 By: mdg : June 8th, 2024-00:00
I have a Beringer Cabernet that I believe is a 1966. I'm kind of afraid to open it but at this point, why not?

That's crazy...πŸ₯‚

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : June 8th, 2024-00:04

Neither the wine nor we are getting any younger, it was a question of who had the courage to try it

 By: cazalea : June 8th, 2024-00:06
would it be the foolish Frenchman or the crazy Californian? (we encouraged each other)


 By: InHavenPro : June 8th, 2024-02:46
I'm relieved to read of the rather favorable outcome! Cheers Mike, Filip

Were you drunk when you wrote this post?

 By: Chicolini : June 8th, 2024-00:13

No, as I said I waited days to post

 By: cazalea : June 8th, 2024-04:31
To make sure I wasn’t poisoned


 By: cazalea : June 8th, 2024-17:45

Fun memories creates at least.

 By: pw927 : June 8th, 2024-00:29
Which in my opinion adds greatly to the overall experience of the champagnes.

How old is "very very" old?

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : June 8th, 2024-01:00
Not too long ago, I opened this and, aside from a crumbling cork, it was exquisite. I still have a few more from the 50's and the 60's. ...  

That would be fun indeed!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 8th, 2024-12:26


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 8th, 2024-12:26

Ha Ha

 By: halkcb : June 8th, 2024-01:59
...judging by the level in the bottle,I'm surprised you could still drink it...would have been oxidised. Still,nothing ventured nothing gained...should have been quite an experience. Had a similar experience with a forty year old champagne which had low l... 

You my friend are much braver than I am!

 By: Moka-Tiger (Ron) : June 8th, 2024-03:58
You at least tried yours, which was much, much older than mine. And you have a wonderful story and experience. Thanks for sharing. My somewhat similary story goes like this. Friends who don't drink had a bottle of Veuve sitting in their fridge for 10 or m... 

What a cool experience!

 By: KMII : June 8th, 2024-05:07
And the pictures to match, as always πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»