Believe me I know. I blame Tony. Actually thanks Tony.

Sep 01, 2022,10:42 AM

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Trying something new

 By: TeutonicCarFan : August 31st, 2022-23:02
Normally I make myself a Manhattan. Decided to get some new supplies to make a negroni for a change. Goes well with Pepsi, too ๐Ÿ˜ ...  

Careful, this is a slippery road! LOL. Negronis are addictive!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : August 31st, 2022-23:14

Tasted good!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 1st, 2022-11:22
Never had this gin before , I found it online as a recommendation. I use different vermouth for my Manhattan need to do some taste tests!

Yes indeed๐Ÿ˜

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 1st, 2022-11:22

I'll take your word for it. I can not bring myself to even smell

 By: Thomas_3 : September 1st, 2022-13:41
gin. One night many years ago i thought I could drink the world's supply of gin, straight from the bottle, trust me, you can't. Even the smell of a real Christmas tree makes me weak in the knees.


 By: locked_diff : September 5th, 2022-13:29