Monte Rosa Pink for the day! Hopefully, I’ll explain why later!

Jun 08, 2024,14:55 PM

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Hmm…must be good 😊

 By: Clueless_Collector : June 8th, 2024-14:59
One leads to another…congrats Mach 🎉

Is someone getting the AE Jasmine dial?

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 8th, 2024-15:28

Great dial under sunlight.

 By: hora12reborn : June 8th, 2024-16:00

Cheers Mark!

 By: Aquaracer1 : June 8th, 2024-23:19
The more I look at this one, the more I love it. Perfect choice, enjoy!

stunning dial!

 By: Jakx : June 9th, 2024-06:28