Wearing today my Octo Finissimo.

Jan 09, 2024,09:52 AM

Incredibly light and comfortable  ... and kind of a modern sculpture for the wrist.


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Something special for sure.

 By: hora12reborn : January 9th, 2024-10:08

It certainly is!

 By: jlux : January 9th, 2024-15:09

I like that too!

 By: patrick_y : January 11th, 2024-06:57

It’s definitely a fresh breath in horology!

 By: ZSHSZ : January 9th, 2024-14:04
Fits you well.πŸ‘πŸ»

Cool monochrome vibe!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : January 9th, 2024-23:33

Looking good!

 By: patrick_y : January 11th, 2024-06:58