I've had the chance to see the manufacture in Switzerland last week and wanted to share a few pictures. As Patrick already shared a deep inside into the production not long ago, I've chosen pictures from different parts of the tour.
While touring the manufacturing, they did have little boxes in some areas showing the variety in parts they produce, giving a good idea of the complexity of their production.
The highlight of visiting Le sentier was to see the assembly for chiming watches and talk to the watchmakers there. It takes a watchmaker several months to assemble such a watch. We even got to hear a Carillon with 4 sets of hammers and gongs and different melodies for each quarter. Extraordinary! (The movement shown is a different one)
On top of seeing different parts of the production and assembly, we've also had varying presentations. We got to see an insight in the work of the dial and case designers, which has been really interesting. They're creating all sorts of crazy prototypes, of which only some make it into production. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the prototypes so the picture only shows known dials.
Another really interesting part of the visit was a presentation of how they select stones and work on them. Bulgari is famous for their stone work, so this is really something you don't see at other watch manufacturer tours. I was quite impressed.
Overall, the tour gave us the impression, that there's a lot of creativity behind the Bulgari brand, which probably also explains the high frequency of new releases. We could meet a lot of highly motivated people and had a lot of interesting discussions.