Nice cool, overcast afternoon for watching

Sep 17, 2023,21:48 PM

football with a Breguet and glass of Cabernet.

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Very nice!

 By: K-Lo : September 17th, 2023-21:58

A great timepiece companion to watch with!

 By: patrick_y : September 17th, 2023-22:07
Are you two rooting for the same teams?

 By: Rock1 : September 17th, 2023-23:01
The Breguet wants the Jura Mountaineers over the Sentier Escapements but I can’t find the game on TV

LOL! So good!

 By: patrick_y : September 18th, 2023-00:56
Knee slapper!

Looking really good!

 By: orahu : September 17th, 2023-23:27


 By: amanico : September 18th, 2023-20:50

So beautiful yet so underrated

 By: Watchonthewrists : September 18th, 2023-10:27

Just a beautiful piece 😍

 By: holdemchamp1225 : September 18th, 2023-13:59