Lovely and Very elegant! Personally i have not seen any of vintage Breguets.

Mar 21, 2024,03:50 AM

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Hi amannico

By: jim_94104 : March 21st, 2024-09:32
like your help here. I have a Type XX ref 3800 and am thinking about putting a rubber strap on it. Do u 1. know the lug width? recommend a good custom rubber strap maker? Thanks 😊

I see that you posted it on CM. Please read the following from the terms of conduct:

By: India Whiskey Charlie : March 24th, 2024-19:55
Shilling is when a seller or acquaintance profiles an item for sale and misrepresents or fails to disclose their interest. This includes items for sale on other platforms such as Ebay, etc. Such posts will be deleted. Items listed in the Collectors Market...