Flinque Enamel, or not?

May 08, 2024,12:07 PM

Is the painted guilloche gilt-edge, too?

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Beautifully captured

 By: Arronax : May 8th, 2024-12:43
Very nice details, a joy to admire!

Wonderful texture !

 By: Aquaracer1 : May 8th, 2024-14:59
Great shot !

Masterework! The artisans deserve a round of applause

 By: xto : May 8th, 2024-19:23
They call it guilloche a main because it is done by hand-controlled machines. If you aren’t very, very careful with the pressure, the cutter will dig into the surface and ruin the pattern Roger Smith did a short series on guilloche on YouTube that’s great... 

This is guillochage...

 By: indignantdenial : May 8th, 2024-20:15
Maybe I'm missing something, but what has flinquée enamel got to do with it? Breguet is known for their pretty excellent output of guilloché dials.

 By: odeon : May 9th, 2024-09:29
Please notice the parts of dial which painted with blue and without silver powdering.

 By: Sshoro : June 1st, 2024-01:24
do u mean the blueish colour on the silvered bottom part between 25 to 29 ?

 By: odeon : June 1st, 2024-10:32
No, the upper side of that part.