I agree, best of the bunch and good looking!
Feb 02, 2024,21:14 PM
Just different from std Blancpain in so many ways….
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Out for a ride
By: kevster : February 2nd, 2024-00:04
Does this get me in the Blancpain club? no. Yes I've read all the previous posts and hub bub. Yet kinda fun. Cheers not jeers. Remember we are Purists not snobs eh? ...
Looking good!
By: Arronax : February 2nd, 2024-03:49
Tell us more about the bike!
Thanks guys!
By: kevster : February 2nd, 2024-05:33
Bike is an 03 BMW K1200RS SE ...
Brings back good memories
By: Arronax : February 2nd, 2024-07:33
Had a k100lt and k1 back in the days and rode many boxsters too, r1200s was my last bike with ohlins, it was a sweet ride. I've always liked their RS products, k1100rs included and came close to getting the k1200s when it came out. Safe riding!
There are PuristS whom don't own a single watch!
By: patrick_y : February 2nd, 2024-06:34
All members here are respected due to their knowledge, open-mindedness, appreciation, and thirst for knowledge about horology! You can even own zero watches and still be welcome on WatchProSite! Just come with an open mind, be willing to learn, avoid maki...
By: xto : February 2nd, 2024-16:29
When I first started...
By: patrick_y : February 2nd, 2024-20:13
Hard to imagine, but when I first started back in 2007/2008, I didn't really own a single mechanical watch under my name. But I was warmly welcomed by the moderators, Dr. No, Bill, and many other moderators in addition to many members! I have them and all...
It’s a Fifty Cents Fathoms. 😆
By: @wewannaporsche : February 2nd, 2024-20:49
It’s actually the best looking of the bunch in that black. The rest look horribly cheap.