Another mega nice Leman! 👏

Jul 05, 2024,16:15 PM

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Happy Friday indeed

By: xto : July 5th, 2024-12:39
Trusty friend keeping me company as I continue to build the watch ref database …later, time with my new granddaughter ...  

It's rose

By: blau : July 6th, 2024-02:06
But it seems to me to be fading/oxidizing/whatever so that it looks a big more yellowy than it would have when it was new (it's a recent acquisition for me)


By: blau : July 6th, 2024-10:11
But you know how it goes: some time a couple of years *after* I'd given up searching, there it is, at my local dealer. I was not as quick to pull the trigger as I would have been before, but luckily for me, it didn't move quickly and I got a chance to mul...