…and now for something completely different (sort of)

Feb 02, 2024,00:01 AM

Jean Rousseau pineapple strap… the warm brown tone looks pretty good with the rose gold; although it’s really kind of a humble version of suede ;-}

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 By: S F : February 2nd, 2024-00:15
Indeed, brown tone goes very well with the RG case!

I love this watch.

 By: gary_g : February 2nd, 2024-03:14
Saw it once in the wild. It’s very well proportioned.

Good looking combo.

 By: hora12reborn : February 2nd, 2024-06:29

Lovely watch and combo

 By: xto : February 2nd, 2024-16:23
How’s readability? I have a lovely ultra slim Villeret SS with white dial that’s a bit hard to read (maybe I’m getting older..) due to lack of contrast. How do you find this combo?

depends on lighting conditions… certainly not high contrast

 By: j.jota : February 2nd, 2024-17:29
but the opaline dial and rose gold compliment each other wonderfully and the result is quite charming