Is Christian Horner

Feb 09, 2024,22:33 PM

out at Red Bull, or will he survive?  Doesn't look great for him

but everyone deserves their day in court/Red Bull investigation.
No real details on what he is accused of, other than a very
controlling work environment and maybe something said that
may be inappropiate.

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It's all a bunch of B.S.

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : February 9th, 2024-22:37
He is accused of being a bully on some employee or whatever.


 By: vitalsigns : February 9th, 2024-23:05
We don't know the facts (so I'll reserve final judgment), but do we now fire bosses because they are mean? I don't like a bully either, but if the organization isn't genuinely suffering, then it seems there's no cause.

Supposedly the person who accused him of whatever

 By: Thomas_3 : February 10th, 2024-00:57
shje accused him of continued to work with him. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

F1 is now nothing more than a Clown Circus Sports Entertainment Network operated like the Hunger Games

 By: enjoythemusic : February 9th, 2024-22:52
Each team gives two Tributes to play the game. The promotion and announcers are nothing more than Caesar Flickerman. The F1 as many of us remember it is dead. Kimi left at the right time. And now i pesent the new 2024 F1 season interview with the Tributes... 

Perhaps do what i do, have the mindset of F1 today being what WWF wrestling was decades ago.

 By: enjoythemusic : February 10th, 2024-00:01
Mix in The Hunger Games and it really makes perfect sense. Thankfully, the F1 commentators and videos are educational for Americans with the same proficiency as 5th-grade mathematics testing success rate in Baltimore. Enjoy the Clown Circus for what it is... 


 By: amanico : February 10th, 2024-09:21

Too bad modern F1 cars are so very heavy, P2W ratio could be far better, and thus this results in slow cars.... unlike Americans :)

 By: enjoythemusic : February 10th, 2024-12:42
'mericans are much faster and still breaking world records (yesterday in fact!) than those slow F1 cars by a longshot From 0 MPH to 341 MPH (548 KPH) in only a 1/4 mile (402 meters) with a total elapsed time of only 3.84 seconds. ...  

Fast in a straight line

 By: marcobermann : February 10th, 2024-15:43
But I would love to see how many minutes slower that is at any F1 circuit but especially Monaco. ROFLMAO. Marc

You have a point!

 By: amanico : February 10th, 2024-21:46

Monaco is for relaxing on your yacht.

 By: enjoythemusic : February 10th, 2024-23:51
Good food, a few drinks, go for a brief drive, then back to your yacht for champagne. You know, like Kimi. (‾◡◝)

Both of course :) This if F1 and you MUST gladhand ALL your sponsors too (both active sponsors and perspective).

 By: enjoythemusic : February 11th, 2024-12:31
For F1, you MUST have top-quality drinks, great food, and for Monaco a nice selection of yacht girls for your sponsors to choose from. Did you get the memo? There must have been an FIA memo about this


 By: amanico : February 11th, 2024-14:26

Amanico, to be fair F1's Net Zero Carbon is to be appreciated. It will demand the elimination of private / chartered planes and yachts...

 By: enjoythemusic : February 11th, 2024-21:15
...all team personnel will use efficient school buses to and from every event. Bus schedules will be posted by the FIA and penalties will be given for drivers, and other penalties to team members, for those who miss the buses. We should all applaud elimin... 


 By: amanico : February 10th, 2024-21:46

Honestly I didn't watch at all last year

 By: TeutonicCarFan : February 10th, 2024-00:18
And year before only in passing. I used to love f1


 By: myles721 : February 10th, 2024-01:12
that signs on to an F1 team knows that there are no holds barred. It’s not fair…it’s not easy…or 9 to 5. People should have to sign a waiver saying “I know I won’t be treated fairly” 🙄Who gets a spot on an F1 team with guaranties 😵🫨🤷🏻‍♂️ ... 

You are right, Their lawyers know as do their F1 clients. They signed the contracts, agreed to the terms, opted in, and chose to be part of the Clown Circus and all that entails.

 By: enjoythemusic : February 10th, 2024-11:52
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Everyone in the F1 BUSINESS opted in, checked the box, and clicked 'I Agree'.


 By: myles721 : February 10th, 2024-01:27
I’m guessing she wasn’t measuring up and he was trying to fire her.

Should have been easy, fire her, bring in someone else and move forward.

 By: Thomas_3 : February 10th, 2024-06:16
Unless there was a contract involved, not so easy then.

Nowadays F1, the final result news is enough for me.

 By: Gelato Monster : February 10th, 2024-02:53
MotoGP is still exciting even with Ducati dominance. Can't wait for Honda& Yamaha return to a same competitive level.

Not sure what’s happened there , lets wait for more details.

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 10th, 2024-07:01
To many rumors now going around.

The guy could not be gracious

 By: agyzace : February 10th, 2024-11:26
even when his team stole a championship with multiple rules having been broken. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, but nothing would surprise me when it comes to this individual/ situation. Let’s see

100% agree.

 By: fmc000 : February 10th, 2024-13:04
Especially on the "stole a championship" part.