Beautiful curves, I really tike it 👌🏻

Mar 31, 2024,13:10 PM

First time I see one in the flesh, and quite impressed, very nice car!

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Une jolie petite bombasse😂

 By: hora12reborn : March 31st, 2024-13:33


 By: MR74 : March 31st, 2024-15:26

Indeed 😜

 By: 1WatchMan : March 31st, 2024-15:57


 By: amanico : March 31st, 2024-17:42

It's really beautiful

 By: 1WatchMan : March 31st, 2024-19:32

Lucky you are 😉

 By: 1WatchMan : March 31st, 2024-20:23


 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2024-07:26

The A110 is for life my friend !

 By: bimbeano : March 31st, 2024-22:50
You will be able to add a second Alpine soon ! The electric A290 will be perfect for you ! I know you're looking for a 'citadine' LOL

Absolutely love it!

 By: KMII : March 31st, 2024-18:09
The design is spot on and they really nailed the handling, too 👌🏻🏁

I agree 👍🏻

 By: 1WatchMan : March 31st, 2024-19:33

Quite a few in Belgium.

 By: bimbeano : March 31st, 2024-20:08
You don't see them in Holland ?

Already seen a lot in France as well.

 By: bimbeano : March 31st, 2024-22:49
Which makes sense of course. I saw the one in your pic was on Belgian plates .


 By: amanico : April 1st, 2024-07:10

Yep, maybe 🤔

 By: 1WatchMan : April 3rd, 2024-18:29

Come to France! ;)

 By: amanico : April 3rd, 2024-21:09

I'll have to 😜

 By: 1WatchMan : April 3rd, 2024-21:50

With great pleasure!

 By: amanico : April 3rd, 2024-22:04


 By: 1WatchMan : April 3rd, 2024-22:12