1966 Iso Grifo Targa.

Feb 02, 2024,10:19 AM

The love child of an American and an Italian super car? 

300 HP V8 5,4 Chevrolet engine. Which is not that much, according to nowadays standards, but we were in 1966, first, and second, cars were not that heavy, compared to today. 



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 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2024-22:34

The gear shift gives it away!

 By: Mary Anny : February 2nd, 2024-10:42

The rear lights look almost the same as from an Alfa Junior gt.

 By: dedestexhes : February 2nd, 2024-10:44
I like this car, obviously the engine has not the same sophistication as a European v8 or v12 from that period but I’m sure it saves you quite some technical headaches 😀. Thx for sharing. Dirk


 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2024-22:35

We used to sell these waaaay

 By: Chicolini : February 2nd, 2024-18:04
back. One of my favorites! Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure, my friend.

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2024-22:36

Pretty car.

 By: hora12reborn : February 2nd, 2024-20:17

Nice car,

 By: Thomas_3 : February 3rd, 2024-21:34
odd looking break pedal however.