The more I see it, the more I like it!

Feb 04, 2025,14:02 PM

I completely agree, the colors just work on this one all day long.


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Comments: view entire thread 

Time for a swim?

By: Fatboyy : February 4th, 2025-13:37
Such a versatile and classy colour palette for an offshore! I really like how the ceramic works on this model. ...  

The colors work well.

By: MichaelC : February 4th, 2025-17:56
I have owned a few divers over many years of AP ownership. Chunky, fun to wear pieces.

Tasteful material and colour combinations

By: Adilo : February 13th, 2025-08:50
It’s bold and refined at the same time I too joined your league and recently acquired one Enjoy it in the best of health ...