Nice hide and seek shot, mon ami.

Jan 15, 2023,16:33 PM

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Jumbo time

 By: Mohannad (aka Riddler) : January 15th, 2023-15:07
First gen 15202 ...  

Looks molded to your wrist.

 By: MichaelC : January 15th, 2023-15:26
What a classic.

The perfect one watch solution.

 By: burnsey66 : January 15th, 2023-15:49
I do prefer the newer dae wheel colour, but that's being very picky!

Everyday should be a jumbo day :)

 By: pfang56 : January 15th, 2023-16:44
Interesting with the thinness, the elegance, and the sharpness - the model is called a Jumbo Looks fantastic - have a good Sunday! Peter

Stunning RO

 By: Larrykelley11 : January 15th, 2023-18:36
It’s great on your wrist!