Langmatik perpetual vs Datohraph

Jul 30, 2011,02:05 AM

Dear all,

Of course both are great watches and it is a matter of taste. Of course...
But, as a very fine timepiece to keep a lifetime, which one would you choose ?


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Please educate me...

 By: BastienB : July 30th, 2011-03:33
... also, reading the different posts, I see discussions on a possible improvement of the Date. Is it something Lange is working on ? Is the 1815 chronograph "better" (on a purely technical level, I mean) ? Do you think langmatik perpetual upgrades are al... 

You never know what Lange has in mind.

 By: amanico : July 30th, 2011-05:32
Maybe they will improve the Dato ( it was a virtual discussion, by the way ), or maybe discontinue it... Who knows? Best, Nicolas.

Dato & 1815 Chronograph ...

 By: small-luxury-world : July 30th, 2011-09:29
both share (most of) the same unique selling points. The biggest difference is the "style" and the wearing comfort. Which one is better? None, the personal taste is the key.

Hello, Mr Gilmore. My Golden Rules...

 By: amanico : July 30th, 2011-05:27
When it comes to Lange, I hava a very simple golden rule: One watch, one movement. Keeping this criteria in mind, if I had the pleasure to torture my mind with the Dato or the Langematic Perpetual, I would, without any hesitation, go for the Dato. The Dat... 


 By: Meehna : August 3rd, 2011-13:05
Great breakdown and analysis!

That's a tough decision.........

 By: TonyR : July 30th, 2011-06:46
but being more of a chronograph lover I would go with the Datograph. Don't worry about what Lange does about updating it or not as the watch is nearly perfect as is. (The 1815 Chrono is nice as well.) Tony


 By: TonyR : July 30th, 2011-06:49
KIH has owned both of those pieces before as well as the 1815 Chrono. Maybe he'll chime in here! Tony

Oops, I just did!

 By: KIH : July 30th, 2011-06:51
How are you, Tony, my friend? Ken

It also depend on your "appetite" for certain type of complication

 By: KIH : July 30th, 2011-06:50
... whether you want chrono more than perpetual or the other way around. Since I don't know the extent of your collection, I assume this will be the only watch for you (which is VERY unlikely because I have been there ). "To keep a lifetime" may be the ke... 

See Ken........

 By: TonyR : July 30th, 2011-16:27
I must have been reading your mind as my post came a minute before yours! All is well here, when will you be back to visit? Tony

for me

 By: donizetti : July 30th, 2011-07:58
the answer is a pretty clear "both" ... (picking the same shirt for ease of comparison ) although it has to be said that while I was pretty sure that the Datograph was the one for the "chronograph" slot in my lineup, I have been trying, and then ended up ...  

The most "correct" answer :-)

 By: KIH : July 30th, 2011-08:36
Yes, if I could, I would have kept both Wonderful pair - I agree that better than Dato Perpetual, which IMHO is not the best of Lange. Thanks Andreas, Ken PS: I see that your Perpetual is in German

dial in German

 By: donizetti : July 30th, 2011-08:57
yes, I wanted that, and it also has the button at 10 pm, not the recessed pusher, so I can manually adjust it on the fly. Took me a while to find one! Hest Andreas

I prefer that pair........

 By: TonyR : July 30th, 2011-16:29
over the Dato perpetual as well. Two Lange's are always better than one! Tony

A question I've been asking to myself too

 By: Mark in Paris : July 30th, 2011-09:41
In fact what will, today, make me chose the Langematik perpetual is that I want to wear this watch during the week so, as I'm not a how-happy-I -am-when-I-manually-wind-up-my-watch-every-morning fellow, at all, I really like the fact that it is ... automa... 

The perpetual is ...

 By: small-luxury-world : July 30th, 2011-09:51
growing on me, even when it is not my favorite complication in general. Some people don´t like the Dato-Perpetual for several reasons and I was one of them. I changed my mind when I saw it with a grey dial. It is only a small change, but for me it makes a...  

Oliver--great wrist shots

 By: tahoeblue : July 30th, 2011-10:22
and I agree with you on that gray dial of the Dato/perp. It made quite an impression on me.


 By: small-luxury-world : July 30th, 2011-10:24

There you have the best chrono and automatic perpetual

 By: tahoeblue : July 30th, 2011-10:17
Tough choice if you can't keep them both (certainly the ideal solution). But as has been alluded to, the Dato is the icon in this pair, and most folks probably prefer the chrono complication. And don't listen too much to those who say the Lange perpetual ... 

Impossible to answer...

 By: foversta : July 30th, 2011-12:47
Both are proofs of the Lange excellence but except the Lange quality, they don't share a lot of common points: handwind vs automatic, complication, thickness... So nobody can help you, it is up to you, any choice will be the right one. Fx

A perpetual calender & a chronograph...

 By: fernando : July 31st, 2011-07:29
all things being equal and it is very much so in this case (both ALS in RG), the pc takes the cake in both status and in the horological hierarchy IMO, being a Grand complication. Personally, I also prefer the aesthetics of the dial layout in the pc over ... 

For me , it's the perpetual...

 By: SRG : July 31st, 2011-10:57
I realy liked the perpetual in rose from the first time I saw it. The PT and YG versions did not have the same impact on me. The tone of the light tan dial and being able to read the time and date at a glance is terrific. The Datograph is a great watch, e...  

While i wouldn't take neither

 By: BluNotte : July 31st, 2011-18:09
The dato for me over the perp as it is hand wound vs auto. Best of luck in your acquisition! Stephen

I think the Dato is more definitive BUT

 By: Mostel : July 31st, 2011-22:35
the perpetual is more beautiful and has more 'going on'. The Dato is more of a standard bearer in terms of collecting... it represents The Ultimate Chrono... (some would say). I think it is 'up there'... but the point is, the Dato has become an emblem of ...