I like it very much It's also even better looking than the version with green. [nt]

Oct 24, 2019,09:09 AM

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Still digesting the new Lange, in the meantime a distraction.

 By: Jay (Eire) : October 24th, 2019-08:23
Not a watch I wear often, perhaps less than 10 days in over a year since I took delivery / ownership. That said, each time I do see it (in the safe while swapping out others or as in this case on the wrist) I just can’t help but smile. Not simply because ...  

It’s a great watch...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : October 24th, 2019-08:59
Out of interest why don’t you use it more often ?

It’s just not an everyday watch, it does catch a lot of attention.

 By: Jay (Eire) : October 24th, 2019-13:13
So, Monday to Friday it’s usually not the choice for me because of that.

Awesome. I want one. [nt]

 By: MichaelC : October 24th, 2019-09:07

Good idea 👍 [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : October 24th, 2019-14:12

Nice shot!

 By: waitlisted : October 24th, 2019-10:53
I hesitated between the joker and the clown and ultimately chose the joker, but the clown is great too (though I think my favorite so far might be the dracula - but that’s 13 pcs and all sold out). I assume you ordered this direct through KC - how were th... 

Hey! You need to engage more here.

 By: Jay (Eire) : October 24th, 2019-13:08
Yes, direct from KC. I’d met him in 2017, tried on his Joker and was satisfied the size was OK. Talked about doing something slightly customized with the Joker but then settled on the Clown. Communication was a little less than smooth, explained by langua... 

It.... is awesome ;)

 By: Spencer Karrington : October 24th, 2019-13:09
Pun intended. In all seriousness, love the watch and the work that Konstantin has done. Congrats

Great pic and very cool Clown 🤡

 By: Watchonthewrists : October 24th, 2019-13:10
Like you said about your clown the same feeling i get with my Joker . When i see it next to my other watches in the safe it gives me a huge smile on me face . Thats why its def a keeper

Yep, and the thing we search for in many higher brow or more technical pieces is also that same smile.

 By: Jay (Eire) : October 26th, 2019-05:30
In the end it’s the same reaction / feeling / emotion we are seeking. The beauty of this hobby is that this can be found in a $100 Seiko and $10,000 Rolex or a $100,000 Patek. The difference in those basic feelings between those three examples is in my mi... 

Way cool!

 By: Brandon Skinner : October 24th, 2019-13:13
Best shot I've seen of this piece.

I must admit...

 By: mrds : October 25th, 2019-03:05
...that the first time I saw it, I just thought "what a cheap, loud joke". The in-your-face dial led me to ignore the quality and craftmanship behind it. Now that I know more about it, I really appreciate the quality of it and, most of all, the guts of Ch... 

I will say the it was the opposite for me, I was immediately sold on it.

 By: Jay (Eire) : October 26th, 2019-05:26
My hesitation on the first run was the size of the case, I thought it might be a little too big. Not until I had the chance to put one on the wrist was I happy with the size. By that time the original Joker run was long sold out. A watch like this, for a ... 

You definitely

 By: serg70 : November 7th, 2019-01:22
should try other watches from Konstantin. I love Cinema, but unfortunately it is to big for my small wrist... As well as Lunokhod )) WBR Serge

I have had the Cinema on the wrist too.

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 8th, 2019-05:55
Before I ordered the Clown I was lucky enough to be in the same place as Konstantin (and his watches). I like the Lunokhod Prime a lot. Nothing else like it out there.

I am with you all the way.

 By: mrds : November 8th, 2019-08:57
Although there are many modern temptations as well, we need these classic beauties!