cazalea[Seiko Moderator]
A Roll in the Hay (Baby Ox)
Aug 03, 2009,11:26 AM
Being just out of the dentist's chair, and sporting a fine new gold tooth, I made it back to work to find a box on my desk!
I'm afraid I am unable to compete with all these creative types who write travelogue stories about their watches. So I'll just get right to the point. The new Junior watch is finally here.
Someone signed for my package and left it in the middle of my desk!
Opened the box to find a nice envelope and lots of hay.
Hmmmm, a folder
Inside is a nice wire-bound notebook (maybe a diary, I think). Inside that is the watch.
The envelope contains a note thanking me for the order in a friendly way, and gives all the business details of my purchase. Hand-written too!
I can't resist the chance of putting my other rubber-strap watches alongside for a comparison shot. Each tries to show its best side and smile
Now wind it up, set the day of the week, set the time and here we go! A WRIST SHOT.
Now for a few rolls in the hay, with big cousin MIH alongside for comparison purposes.
Okay, that's enough fooling around. Back to work.