Lovely watch.

Apr 24, 2023,12:03 PM

Glorious location!
Great shots πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

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Lovely watch.

 By: KURT_DAVID : April 24th, 2023-12:03
Glorious location! Great shots πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Many thanks Kurt_David !

 By: leopold : April 24th, 2023-13:02

Lucky you to live there!

 By: amanico : April 24th, 2023-14:18

Sure, a lot worse! :)

 By: amanico : April 24th, 2023-15:01

Beautiful watch and location !

 By: Aquaracer1 : April 24th, 2023-16:14

Thank you Aquaracer1

 By: leopold : April 24th, 2023-16:37

Merci bien Bill !

 By: leopold : April 24th, 2023-16:37