Been wearing this one quite frequently of late

Apr 26, 2023,12:53 PM

I just passed 5 years of ownership.  It is as satisfying a watch as I have ever owned.  

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I think you mean …

 By: myles721 : April 26th, 2023-13:23
Freakuently? Sorry I couldn’t resist.πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


 By: Chicolini : April 26th, 2023-13:59


 By: J K : April 26th, 2023-14:46

Thanks Sir. All credit to UN. While my feelings on the current brand are no secret...

 By: MichaelC : April 30th, 2023-20:33
There was a time when I loved this brand as much as any other. For my tastes, the past 3-4 years or so have been a complete disaster and I really have no idea how they stay in business selling their watches. This piece was surely a baby of that former lea... 

For a freaking good reason....

 By: nacelle : April 26th, 2023-17:12
a very special watch!

You know it :-)

 By: MichaelC : April 30th, 2023-20:34

A winner.

 By: amanico : April 26th, 2023-20:11

A final testament to the good days.

 By: MichaelC : April 30th, 2023-20:35
Creative madness used to rule this company. And it was awesome.

Well said. Golden era.

 By: amanico : April 30th, 2023-20:53


 By: MichaelC : April 30th, 2023-20:35

Can you ever...

 By: Ronald Held : April 27th, 2023-16:32
Get bored wearng a Freak?

Never! :)))

 By: amanico : April 27th, 2023-16:33

+1!! (nt)

 By: Ronald Held : April 28th, 2023-16:16

Definitely not.

 By: MichaelC : April 30th, 2023-20:35

Great watch, wear in the best of health!

 By: jack johnson : April 28th, 2023-10:32
Its good to read that your Freak Oit has been running well for 5 years. I just got mine pre-owned -same model - and it would not run even when fully wound. Had tk send it to UN Switzerland via a local AD. Hipefully they are able to fix it so I can have a ... 

Thanks for your support Nico!

 By: jack johnson : April 29th, 2023-05:22
I can surely wait, no problem. Love the watch too much just to let it go.

I can't wait to see it on your wrist!

 By: MichaelC : April 30th, 2023-20:36
That is where it really shines. The enjoyment to wear it is amazing.

So cool, love it

 By: Watchonthewrists : April 30th, 2023-07:29

Thanks, me too :-)

 By: MichaelC : April 30th, 2023-20:37


 By: Blue and White : May 22nd, 2023-17:48
I am writing late but don’t want to miss to say congrats to owning such an amazing special timepiece. Truly revolutionary and it’s good to read you’re happy with it. Wear it in good health.

Thanks for your kind reply.

 By: MichaelC : May 25th, 2023-00:42
The warm wishes are appreciated