cazalea[Seiko Moderator]
Too much to see, not enough time, Part 1
May 15, 2024,16:42 PM
We started out on our way to a site called Presidio Park and almost didn't get there, the route we took was so "littered" with blue houses.
The skies were threatening and even threw a few droplets on us.
Some people are quite brave with the saturated colors on their walls and trim.
This old Ford was guarding the house whose owners peered out the window as we cruised by.
We finally made it back to the main road and saw this newly-painted commercial building. Also newly-blue! It was built Mid-Century by one of San Diego's well-known architects, Richard Wheeler & Associates.
Richard designed my house, which is unsaturated grey-blue, much like this one which we walked past today near the Presidio.
No historical plaque on our house though. Ruth was the homeowner, Richard the Architect. Our City says
"The resource embodies character-defining features of the Custom Ranch style and retains architectural integrity from its 1952-1956 period of significance. It features a single-story asymmetrical massing with horizontal emphasis; sprawling U-shaped floor plan; low-pitched hipped roof with Dutch gables and deep enclosed eaves; prominent stone chimney; a combination of exterior finishes; recessed entry; and a deep setback with a large landscaped front yard. This is representative of a notable work of Master Architect Richard George Wheeler and retains integrity as it relates to the original 1952 design; significant as a notable example of Wheeler’s residential work in the Custom Ranch style during his early career."
My house is a lot like this one.
Moving farther back in time from the Wheeler house (about 25 years), this Craftsman home is a real beauty!
And back again to the Fifties and Sixties.
This large, multi-level house had two driveways and a Range Rover owner who definitely did NOT want anyone to turn around using them.
This lovely Cape Cod home was a bit stylistically-lonely, surrounded as it was with either Spanish or Mid-Century homes.
Long, low, modern, substantial, with beautiful plantings.
Up the road a piece (probably owns the road) this lovely estate.
An assortment of more normal-sized homes followed this one.
And at the end of one block, an OMG! driveway with completely unnecessary sign, shrouded in hedge.
We did not go down the driveway but we peeked. Homes were invisible; the driveway steepness? Incredible!
Please join us for Part 2 & 3
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Too much to see, not enough time, Part 1
By: cazalea : May 15th, 2024-16:42
We started out on our way to a site called Presidio Park and almost didn't get there, the route we took was so "littered" with blue houses. The skies were threatening and even threw a few droplets on us. Some people are quite brave with the saturated colo...
That old Ford....
By: InHavenPro : May 15th, 2024-17:03
is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c . You tend to get my attention with the vintage pickups . Cheers, Filip
By: InHavenPro : May 15th, 2024-17:45
Part 3 for everyone else
By: cazalea : May 15th, 2024-17:21
We took a break from reporting to go to a garden party ... now I am back and finishing the report! Enjoy a photo of the Presidio at long range (which we never actually reached today): We were relatively close, if we were birds... We took the left fork and...