Crossed my mind: refreshing my rusted Latin …

Nov 17, 2023,19:08 PM

… with these guys. Did you know that there are versions in Latin? 

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Yes indeed😁

 By: hora12reborn : November 17th, 2023-19:11

I didn't!

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2023-22:28

My lifelong favourite.

 By: ANDLIST : November 18th, 2023-10:15
First book was Asterix in Switzerland.

You know PIF???

 By: amanico : November 18th, 2023-13:31

Of course, a classic! Wish I saved all the comic books I had.

 By: ZSHSZ : November 18th, 2023-17:26
Back in my youth, we used to trade them as we trade watches today!😂 I even remember Rahan, the blonde caveman fighting saber tooth tigers )


 By: ZSHSZ : November 19th, 2023-14:09