That Volvo one is just too cute! Impressive

Mar 21, 2022,11:26 AM

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Some of my vintage Carrera stuff .....

 By: HSTE : March 20th, 2022-19:24
... double signature ... 18k ... dato ... "commercial" Cheers, HSTE ...  


 By: Cozmopak : March 20th, 2022-19:30
Here’s my 2447s eggshell Carrera: ...  

Some very cool Heuers! It’s gotten difficult (and nearly impossible) to find some of those.

 By: BigAppleBill : March 20th, 2022-23:29
I’m happy to have this one. I love wearing it to car events. ...  

That Volvo one is just too cute! Impressive

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : March 21st, 2022-11:26