Cool one !

Jan 25, 2023,22:36 PM

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Blast from the past

 By: epigram : January 25th, 2023-07:34
Almost forgotten in the recesses of the mind (and drawer) ...  

It certainly deserves a day out …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : January 25th, 2023-09:52
Show it some love today and enjoy.


 By: Richard M : January 25th, 2023-14:05
Beautiful dial! Is there a model or reference number for this lovely watch?

Here ya go

 By: Brandon Skinner : January 25th, 2023-15:05

Merci, Brandon!

 By: amanico : January 25th, 2023-22:18

Carrera WS2111

 By: epigram : January 25th, 2023-15:07
Circa early 2000s

Lovely one.

 By: amanico : January 25th, 2023-22:17

Cool one !

 By: borisundercover : January 25th, 2023-22:36