Silver, I would say

Nov 03, 2017,16:43 PM

In diffuse light!


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Day & Night

 By: Damster : November 2nd, 2017-14:32
Hi all, Just wanted to share some shots and notes about the last watch I received : the Credor Spring Drive Moonphase GCLL997. I sort of needed to balance the "night" version of it : the GCLL999, in accordance with the spirit behind the "Node" collection....  

Thanks PJ S, I know this is so cliché but...

 By: Damster : November 2nd, 2017-15:57
...I have to admit they are totally different and totally complementary at the same time! Everyone who has one really needs both btw I think the 997 really likes the sunset light, when warm tones come to balance the cold purity of the dial. Cheers

Very nice..

 By: Echi : November 2nd, 2017-20:46
Do you have a wrist shot of the black one? Thanks for sharing. Echi

Thanks Echi, of course...

 By: Damster : November 3rd, 2017-15:28
...I have some wrist shots! The GCLL999 has a dark blue dial that appears black in low light conditions, all pictures below are under natural light except the one with comment. One is taken from a review I made already 3 years ago, how time flies... The p...  

Thanks Ken

 By: Damster : November 3rd, 2017-15:31
You know you're the one


 By: cazalea : November 2nd, 2017-22:42
I have wanted the darker watch for years, but other Credor Watches kept coming my way on their own accord (or Ken’s) - maybe some day it will happen. Cheers, Mike ...  

A very, very rare one, Mike - Nice!!

 By: KIH : November 2nd, 2017-23:04
Wonderful example )) Ken

Thanks Mike

 By: Damster : November 3rd, 2017-15:45
Don't know who told you about getting the 999 in complement to the 997 but the guy surely has strange ideas And now I need to counter your Cred-o-selfie with a zaratselfie (or selfiratsu, not so sure), aka the un-famous duckface wrist shot : Sorry I had t...  

Now that's a perfectly balanced pair!

 By: KMII : November 3rd, 2017-01:55
Thank you for the extensive report on your latest acquisition - a lovely piece you have there. And as a pair they are even more fascinating! Looking forward to seeing more of it here and wishing you much enjoyable wrist time!

Thanks KMII, if you also want to know more about the watch, let's start...

 By: Damster : November 3rd, 2017-16:04
...with an easy one: the "Node" collection was designed based on the concept of alliance of the opposites towards a balance point. More precisely, reference is made to the lunar node, which is the point where the orbit of the moon visually crosses the one... 

That is what I love about Seiko...

 By: KMII : November 4th, 2017-00:13
These endless levels within levels 👌🏻 Thanks for the additional information - much appreciated!

Gorgeous pair of rare Credor for a great connoisseur

 By: Gnkt : November 3rd, 2017-05:01
Congrats again my friend ;-) These photos of 997 are really stuning. While not as subtle as 999 IMHO, the dial seems to change depending of the light condions. How is the color in daylight ? silver ? white ? cream ?

Silver, I would say

 By: cazalea : November 3rd, 2017-16:43
In diffuse light! Cazalea ...  

Thanks gnkt, there are great mysteries in this universe...

 By: Damster : November 3rd, 2017-16:48
...and the real color of a Credor dial is one of them, and I think you already know quite a lot about it! I would say it is off-white... The amount of "off" depending on how warm the light you feed the dial with actually is. All pictures above were taken ...