Happy Monday my friends!

Apr 01, 2024,21:49 PM

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Sold. :)))))

 By: amanico : April 1st, 2024-21:58


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : April 1st, 2024-21:58


 By: amanico : April 1st, 2024-21:57

As luck would have it.

 By: Champthekid : April 1st, 2024-22:18
Iā€™m in my backyard having a smoke and wearing a Daytona too. šŸ˜picture snapped just now central time (USA). ...  

Is that a Monday post?

 By: gary_g : April 1st, 2024-22:43
Feels like a Friday.

Mmmmmmmmmm........ cigar (*^_^*)

 By: enjoythemusic : April 1st, 2024-23:04

Itā€™s a Daytona day!

 By: gregcarraram3 : April 1st, 2024-23:52
Waiting for the right Porsche to come in to trade the Audiā€¦almost had one but it got away! Iā€™ll keep you posted šŸ˜‚ And Nico I promise to keep the Daytona and BLNRā€¦