A Misty Monday Morning

Apr 01, 2024,07:52 AM

So no views over the sound to Sweden, but great legibility in the AK πŸ˜€

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The misty air king 😁

 By: hora12reborn : April 1st, 2024-08:12

Superb photo!

 By: amanico : April 1st, 2024-09:08

Good morning

 By: Drek : April 1st, 2024-09:28
and with a hint of lume πŸ˜€

Thanks Lars

 By: Drek : April 1st, 2024-09:30
Happy Easter to you too, bit cool but it’s definitely starting to warm up, summer is coming πŸ˜€

We have a good 6 months ahead.

 By: LarsG : April 1st, 2024-09:35
LetΒ΄s meet up for a coffee and kardemommesnurre.