Light at the end of the tunnel.....

Jun 11, 2024,13:05 PM

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Nicely captured

 By: Jtl : June 11th, 2024-13:34

Thk you 🙏🏻

 By: S F : June 11th, 2024-14:49


 By: amanico : June 11th, 2024-14:15


 By: S F : June 11th, 2024-14:48

Great capture.

 By: MilDiver : June 11th, 2024-14:19
Beside the great points already mentioned, my eyes went from the wild nature of the bottom to the man made "ceramic paved" of the upper walls and the ceiling. Great photo.


 By: InHavenPro : June 11th, 2024-17:38


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : June 11th, 2024-22:24