Just a little... ;) [nt]

Jan 26, 2020,13:58 PM

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Looks familiar?😉

 By: Centurionone : January 26th, 2020-13:58

Just a little... ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : January 26th, 2020-13:58

Too good! ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : January 26th, 2020-14:15

But, most importantly, what watch is the chap wearing??

 By: Ano Nuevo : January 26th, 2020-16:00
Now there’s a photographer with a steady hand! Ano “Well, we know it’s not a Reverso or a Tank or an Octo” Nuevo

forget the watch, what camera...

 By: cshimokita : January 26th, 2020-16:13
and to be fair, shouldn't it be a smart phone \(ツ)/ Casey