I have mixed emotions about my time in Oxford and the UK, but I was always happy to be in the Bodleian library. [nt]

Jan 20, 2019,21:24 PM

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At Oxford University yesterday

 By: Baron - Mr Red : January 20th, 2019-11:11

Ah the Bodleian library

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : January 20th, 2019-11:20
Some superb memories from already 2 years ago! Cheers D


 By: Tiggermelad : January 20th, 2019-19:42
of undergraduate days for me too, but rather more than 2 years ago!

I think Professor Green was just a visitor 2yrs ago!

 By: Baron - Mr Red : January 21st, 2019-10:28
Must be nice to go back for you

Indeed so! [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : January 22nd, 2019-09:58

Beautiful B&W shot! Never been there (like to most other UK schools, for that matter), but a truly iconic place.

 By: FabR : January 20th, 2019-11:25
Here's for you a shot from the other side of the pond, a corner of the MIT campus taken from my office window on a sunny afternoon last Fall: ...  

Great image.

 By: InHavenPro : January 20th, 2019-11:51
Cheers, Filip

You visited your son yesterday?

 By: dr.kol : January 20th, 2019-11:58
I have three daughters studying in three different counties in universities. My daughter #2 got her BM in the end of last semester and her graduation party will be on 2nd March. I'll take some pictures from her smaller but old university. Best, Kari


 By: Baron - Mr Red : January 20th, 2019-12:02
My son is in year 5 out of a 6 year medicine degree. Medicine degrees are long haul

That I know.

 By: dr.kol : January 20th, 2019-12:20
My daughter #2 is in her 3rd year and #3, who is just 19, just started last September. Both have a long way ahead. Best, Kari

it varies from university to university

 By: Baron - Mr Red : January 21st, 2019-02:58
At Oxford, it is a 6yr course and then you qualify as a doctor. In most UK universities it is 5yrs. Oxford and Cambridge are 6yrs You then spend two years foundation working in a hospital. You then make a choice about what specialisation to take......that... 

The medial education is harmonised in EU

 By: dr.kol : January 21st, 2019-04:47
and UK is still a part of EU. How long, nobody knows; not even the Prime Minister of UK. Best, Kari

Pretty much same in Finland and Baltic's.

 By: dr.kol : January 21st, 2019-04:36
After 6 years in the university, there is a mandatory one year period in a health centre. Then comes specialisation and at some stage PhD studies. My daughter #2 decided to start her research project this spring and it should lead to PhD about one year af... 

The issue here is that it's difficult to get a good place to get the place for specialisation.

 By: dr.kol : January 21st, 2019-07:32
In Helsinki university, as an example, PhD gives a lot of points needed for entry. And my daughter would like to specialise in Helsinki. Her bf is also writing his thesis and he's probably getting his PhD before his MD. One of my former gf did the same. M... 

Can't argue. [nt]

 By: dr.kol : January 21st, 2019-08:02

b&w does the trick...

 By: cshimokita : January 20th, 2019-13:57
and the "recent" rain is visual icing on the cake. Very nice... Casey

A really nice shot. [nt]

 By: Jay (Eire) : January 20th, 2019-17:33