Buck did this one later in his career with Dwight Yoakam...

May 21, 2022,19:18 PM

Dwight was a huge fan of Buck...and he always said Buck had a big influence on his career.

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The Road to Bakersfield

 By: InHavenPro : May 21st, 2022-18:11
........ The range/ranch itself........ ...  


 By: InHavenPro : May 21st, 2022-18:15

If you don't tap your feet to this one...

 By: mdg : May 21st, 2022-18:53
...then you're not alive : ) Turn it up!!


 By: InHavenPro : May 21st, 2022-19:12
Never knew of that one before! Cheers for adding it do the thread , Filip

Buck did this one later in his career with Dwight Yoakam...

 By: mdg : May 21st, 2022-19:18
Dwight was a huge fan of Buck...and he always said Buck had a big influence on his career.

I had about five different options with me :)

 By: InHavenPro : May 21st, 2022-19:09
I made sure I had as much equipment as I could possibly bring with me . And yes, I had a few of the 'old fashioned' foam ear plugs as well.... Although, since the range is in the wide-open, you don't even need ear protection if there aren't multiple guns ... 


 By: amanico : May 21st, 2022-20:28

Hope you have full tank, that looks

 By: Thomas_3 : May 21st, 2022-20:42
like a long desolate road.

Pretty much the same distance as....

 By: InHavenPro : May 21st, 2022-20:46
between coastal LA and the Coachella Valley (Palm Springs) - about 120 miles altogether. The only difference being that I took these images taking regular roads, not the highway, which increased the distance traveled to about 160 miles.... Thanks for look... 

It sure was!

 By: InHavenPro : May 21st, 2022-20:48
And had I happened to be driving a sports car it would have been impossible not to play with the speed limits . This way, a 12 year old truck does you a favor but not offering a tempting speeding proposition LoL . Cheers, Filip

Wise choice! Cheers

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : May 21st, 2022-20:55