Sorry to hear that Volker, but glad you’re still in the honeymoon period with this beautiful Patek! Sounds like it’s on its way to becoming your daily beater😉🥂

Dec 10, 2020,05:22 AM

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Honeymoon continues with 5164R.

 By: Pretty Boy : December 10th, 2020-04:11
Collected my first ding/scratch earlier this week which was really painful. 😢 Usually, I’m able to keep my watches in almost flawless condition. Best, V. ...  

I feel your pain and pleasure

 By: Alanbstern55 : December 10th, 2020-10:25
Don’t sweat it . The 5164r wide flat bezel is a scratch magnet. I bought My 5164r in March 2019 and had my first scratch within 2 weeks. It has since picked up other scratches and I still love it.

Thanks for your kind words.

 By: Pretty Boy : December 10th, 2020-13:13

Hi V, I feel your PAIN because I have been there many times no matter how careful I was !

 By: GLau : December 11th, 2020-08:36
Just think of it as building character and scars to tell stories to the next generations !

have a feeling your honeymoon will be very long!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 10th, 2020-04:53


 By: Pretty Boy : December 10th, 2020-13:14

Thanks, Fabrizio.

 By: Pretty Boy : December 10th, 2020-13:16
Yep, I will keep it on my wrist for the time being. 😉

I know opinions are divided on this subject but..

 By: Centurionone : December 10th, 2020-06:15
I think watched are meant to be worn and develop patina over time, it shows their journey with you. Keeping watches pristine and scratch-free is an arduous task which makes you mindful all the time rather than enjoy wearing it. I have mild OCD but learned... 

I can understand how that feeling is...

 By: Clueless_Collector : December 10th, 2020-07:58
Because I’m also keeping me prestine and will always look at those scars. Sorry to hear that but time will heal that, it always do.

Feel better my friend...

 By: patrick_y : December 10th, 2020-10:39
So far I've been very lucky with my timepieces. I've also been VERY CAREFUL. I do have a small and light scratch on my ceramic cased Top Gun IWC watch oddly. A little odd since Ceramic is supposedly more scratch resistant.

🙏 Thanks, Patrick.

 By: Pretty Boy : December 10th, 2020-13:22

"Collected my first ding/scratch earlier this week which was really painful."

 By: mdg : December 10th, 2020-11:01
I remember my first ding/scratch...21 stitches and a cast. You can't be Pretty Boy forever : )

That sucks but no worries...

 By: NautNut : December 10th, 2020-13:15
I took a chunk out of my 5711R and PP made it look like new!

Can feel your pain, V. As I also added a scratch to the shiny part of bezel of my 5740G few days ago!

 By: joenghenry : December 11th, 2020-00:38
Can’t believe it being caused by a gentle touch with the non-metal cuff button of my shirt. Gold is a really soft metal and magnet for scratches. My solution is to keep wearing it with extra caution and let time (or further scratches) dilute the pain........ 

Thanks, Henry. Mine is on the polished part of the bezel as well.

 By: Pretty Boy : December 11th, 2020-02:46
The irony is that I wanted to pull the sleeve of my pullover over the watch to protect it but, by doing that, hit the watch with the ring I wear on my right hand. 😱

Oh, that's really unfortunate.

 By: joenghenry : December 11th, 2020-04:02
My story is similar, I wanted to cover my watch with my right hand to protect it, but accidentally the shirt's cuff button of my right wrist (I think it is made of shell instead of plastic) scratched the bezel......

Your Travel Time looks amazing, enjoy it!

 By: 1WatchMan : December 12th, 2020-10:06
I remember the first scratch on my 5712: I was having a walk with my wife, she was next to me, by my left side. She tried to hold my hand with her right hand full of rings, but grabbed my wrist instead... I can still feel the pain... It was some 10 years ... 

Many thanks.

 By: Pretty Boy : December 12th, 2020-10:17
I think, eventually, this will happen to most of us. It’s just unavoidable. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Just look at this Volker...a scratch and a ding

 By: Centurionone : December 17th, 2020-00:13

That was my point..

 By: Centurionone : December 17th, 2020-02:01
To say that you are not alone 😉

Yes, kind of a self help group, my friends.

 By: joenghenry : December 17th, 2020-02:59
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I'm sorry for you, I know it hurts

 By: 1WatchMan : December 17th, 2020-04:41
I would recommend to keep it there and try to enjoy the watch. I'm trying that therapy myself with my ROO Diver... ...  

Oh you are as bad as me!

 By: Centurionone : December 17th, 2020-06:42
Are we meant to wear these watches under a cashmere sweater cuff all the time ???? ( not even a shirt cuff as the button or the cufflinks might attack it )

Wise words..

 By: Centurionone : December 18th, 2020-02:54
Wise man !

Yeah, it happened last night. I couldn't believe how soft the gold is to sustain such damage from a light brush against the computer screen.

 By: Centurionone : December 17th, 2020-06:40
One really needs kid gloves wearing the 5740! I wasn't aware that Geneva had such a service but thanks for the heads up

Gold is really soft and got scratch very easily. Geneva should be able to fill the ding with laser welding and polish the bezel back to its original shape.

 By: joenghenry : December 18th, 2020-08:36
It is a dilemma that we want to keep our watch in pristine condition, yet we would like to wear it as often as possible. Still, the pleasure of wearing our beloved watch outweighs the risk of scratching it. What we can do is be as careful as possible and ... 

Perfectly summated.

 By: Centurionone : December 19th, 2020-07:06
Have a lovely weekend my friend.

🤣🤣 It’s the edge of the Mac.

 By: Centurionone : December 17th, 2020-09:05
I was trying to sort out some USB cabling and it happened. I think Apple wants you to wear their own watches and deliberately set out to destroy our beauties

Wow 😳! I feel your

 By: GLau : December 17th, 2020-10:21
pain !!

It is what it is..

 By: Centurionone : December 17th, 2020-10:50
I try my best to be careful but sometimes it is just not possible Gordon..