
Feb 03, 2024,03:54 AM

After a recent incidence in which I need a sling for my left arm, my doctor told me I needed to exercise by putting some weight on it.  So I am using my Aquanaut as the equipment for physical therapy ! 

In addition to helping my recovery, this piece is also the perfectly companion for the sun and sea in a resort.  Hopefully the "exercise" plus sun & nature will heal my wound quickly !

This message has been edited by GLau on 2024-02-05 17:17:41 This message has been edited by GLau on 2024-02-05 17:18:01

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Hi cbb, you chose well ! This aquanaut is the

By: GLau : February 8th, 2024-16:01
PERFECT match for healing your left arm and the resort πŸ‘ Wish you a speedy and full recovery πŸ’ͺ