I have a feeling the 1080 stole his heart away from the 127...😉

Jan 01, 2022,04:19 AM

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Well, they don’t really age, do they?

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : December 31st, 2021-02:05

Your ex?

 By: JohnFM : December 31st, 2021-05:25
I thought this was 'the One'.

What did you replace it with, another Panerai?

 By: Ted O : December 31st, 2021-14:28
I am looking for a domed model — 127, 995, 233.

Not to probe ...

 By: JohnFM : January 1st, 2022-00:28
... but why Ahoi? ;-) I'm sure you got a great price for it, but was there something inherent in the watch that you liked less than the others?

Pure character!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 31st, 2021-13:45


 By: Todd B. : December 31st, 2021-16:03

Such a pity.

 By: MTR : January 3rd, 2022-11:41
For me the 127 is a “true” pure Panerai I will never let go. Ok. Let’s not say “never”. What I mean: if I'm lucky enough to always have enough financial means that I don't have to sell / I am forced to sell. All the best Thomas ...  

I totally get your point.

 By: amanico : January 3rd, 2022-11:41