Which one do you prefer?

Mar 15, 2024,23:25 PM

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Both excellent....

 By: InHavenPro : March 15th, 2024-23:45
But for my money, the VC........

I have to agree with you and ..

 By: loujo : March 15th, 2024-23:55
they cost about the same on the secondhand market .

Love the finishing on the MB

 By: TeutonicCarFan : March 16th, 2024-00:01
Overall the VC

I will pick the MB for the dial and movement…

 By: S F : March 16th, 2024-00:56
If I have to pick one from the two.

Only negative about MB is that it’s quite thick

 By: loujo : March 16th, 2024-01:22
Due to split second mechanism added on top of base chronograph caliber that’s already pretty big. But that also gives it an expansive view and yeah the movement finish is second to none.

Yes…It is big and thick becos of the movement..

 By: S F : March 16th, 2024-02:31
But beautiful with good presence.

Tough choice IMO

 By: Larrykelley11 : March 16th, 2024-03:41
I lean towards the VC, those lugs are so beautiful. The MB might have a better wrist presence. Which feels better on the wrist? I’d go with whichever speaks to you the most. Two excellent choices.

VC is easier to wear

 By: loujo : March 16th, 2024-04:20
Due to slimmer size on my 17cm wrist. Its dial is sublime. It glitters under the light. MB is very different. It’s big, heavy, and fun, great with casual wear.

V is for Victory. C is for Class.

 By: Chicolini : March 16th, 2024-05:12
That’s my choice.

Pure on the looks the VC for me tbh

 By: Watchonthewrists : March 16th, 2024-07:36

I would go for the MB of it was smaller

 By: 1WatchMan : March 16th, 2024-08:05
Both backs are gorgeous 🤤


 By: amanico : March 16th, 2024-09:00

apples and oranges

 By: penfriend : March 16th, 2024-08:43
overall the MB is the better value proposition and more casual. depends on whether you need a more sporty or more classic look the MB Villeret calibers are only rivaled by ALS imo


 By: amanico : March 16th, 2024-09:00

The VC. But it’s close

 By: agyzace : March 16th, 2024-10:54