Hmmmm, very cool!

Sep 20, 2023,21:14 PM

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Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday👍...

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 20th, 2023-17:13
What's on those wrists!? ...  

I know YOU ARE!

 By: patrick_y : September 20th, 2023-17:18

Always good with white gold and enamel!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 20th, 2023-20:31

This is a real beauty.

 By: lm6 : September 20th, 2023-17:32

Many thanks 🙏

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 20th, 2023-20:32

I would love to have your wrist.

 By: amanico : September 20th, 2023-17:33
For me... Again. ...  

And I, yours!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 20th, 2023-20:34
Nice combo sir 😎 My attempt at getting some sun on the dial (while measuring how long my son has been napping 😁) ...  


 By: amanico : September 20th, 2023-21:14

Enjoy your day. On the wrist an Omega.

 By: hora12reborn : September 20th, 2023-17:34


 By: hora12reborn : September 21st, 2023-05:02

Too cool!

 By: amanico : September 20th, 2023-21:14


 By: hora12reborn : September 21st, 2023-05:03

That’s a great watch!

 By: Champthekid : September 20th, 2023-19:13
I’m wearing an APROO today. ...  

Ready for anything!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 20th, 2023-20:35

Hmmmm, very cool!

 By: amanico : September 20th, 2023-21:14

Thank you, Mon Ami.

 By: Champthekid : September 21st, 2023-12:26
One of the few French phrases I know. lol 😂


 By: amanico : September 21st, 2023-15:56

Very nice!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 21st, 2023-00:08
What a powerhouse rattrapante 👍