They both look great!

Sep 12, 2022,16:37 PM

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I am thinking of revisiting this…BP

 By: gregcarraram3 : September 12th, 2022-00:50
A huge trade regret…only had it for a brief spell…what do you guys think? ...  

Always a fan

 By: TeutonicCarFan : September 12th, 2022-01:08
I have wanted a BP, but for me they were too big so I went with pilot chrono. Now they have smaller BP so I've thought about however I'm content with my chrono. That one fits your wrist well 👍

Those reasons might be even more valid today...

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : September 12th, 2022-16:57
I bought my 5002 back in 2003 when it was first introduced. I wore it very often and regularly and loved every moment of it. Today, while I still love the watch, I seldom wear it and usually for no more than one day at a time. As it turns out, I am a bit ...  

I’ve had 3 of them

 By: Brandon Skinner : September 12th, 2022-14:18
I love how they look on others, but personally feel like they are wearing me rather than the other way around. Can’t find a pic of my 1st but here were my last 2. I do have one Big Pilot in my collection which I can justify keeping for the novelty of it, ...  

They both look great!

 By: gregcarraram3 : September 12th, 2022-16:37

Doc that looks great on you.

 By: Costa (aka Connie) : September 19th, 2022-18:25

BPs are great.

 By: roundel : September 13th, 2022-04:15
I ebb and flow toward and against, but I would regret letting mine go. Wife loves em on me too. The 5002 is the classic, but I wear my Miramar more. It’s such a cool rugged watch. ...  

Looks awesome on you!

 By: gregcarraram3 : September 14th, 2022-00:03

You should 100% rebuy it. It’s an iconic watch.

 By: Costa (aka Connie) : September 19th, 2022-18:24
I love mine. It’s my favorite. I have two of them. ...  

They are big, they are amazing....

 By: nacelle : September 21st, 2022-12:36
I have quite a few and make sure that each one sees the daylight. Plenty of time on the wrist... I confess however that I am still stuck on big timepieces...


 By: ripper444 : September 24th, 2022-14:11
You have the wrist to pull it off.