Romain Gauthier C5
Apr 24, 2024,05:21 AM
I just love changing straps for this watch!

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By: 90MPH : April 24th, 2024-19:08
Thanks! I love this dial variant of the C - the most vibrant in my opinion! and the blue strap definitly stirred things up a bit in a good way!
By: 90MPH : April 24th, 2024-19:10
This is the C5 The dial is titanium with is hand engraved with the same technique as the bridges! Lume is great - not Sarpaneva-stylpe but very good!
Such a cool watch!
By: trs : April 24th, 2024-11:38
Took me a while but now I think the C5 is the best of the C so far, followed by the OG Continuum / C1. With C2 and C4 I'd be worried they will look banged up in no time with the coated case and C3 is just not for me. Wondering about the upcoming C6...