I have a rose gold 103 although

Mar 30, 2024,16:52 PM

not the fully open one. Do you like yours? Mine does not get much wrist time but seeing yours on you maybe it should! Looks great on you!

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 By: Mohannad (aka Riddler) : March 30th, 2024-16:08
A UFO on the wrist ...  

I have a rose gold 103 although

 By: Chicolini : March 30th, 2024-16:52
not the fully open one. Do you like yours? Mine does not get much wrist time but seeing yours on you maybe it should! Looks great on you!

I love mine and wear it often

 By: Mohannad (aka Riddler) : March 30th, 2024-17:40

So cool!

 By: TeutonicCarFan : March 30th, 2024-16:54

Such a good looking UR 👌🏻😘

 By: Watchonthewrists : March 31st, 2024-07:27

Ufo with a spider arms look😎

 By: hora12reborn : March 31st, 2024-08:03

I have a WG...

 By: Ronald Held : April 1st, 2024-16:18

In prison...

 By: Ronald Held : April 2nd, 2024-19:17
Until i get a chance to free it.


 By: amanico : April 2nd, 2024-20:49

Wicked piece bro 👌

 By: holdemchamp1225 : April 1st, 2024-19:19