sorry, it was done for a client at his request

May 28, 2011,07:53 AM

or so it seems from the caption

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I've often worn 2 watches, but never like this ...

 By: cazalea : May 27th, 2011-10:40
I found this on the ABP site today when browsing through their straps photos ... It has a disconcerting, co-joined-at-the-head, Siamese-twin look to it. I can't imagine it would be very comfortable, but I can imagine it would be quite heavy!...  

I love that...

 By: aaronm : May 27th, 2011-10:59
And they're 2 world-timers so it doesn't even make sense in the "well i need to know the time in 2 time-zones" logic! A

Nor does it make sense...

 By: pplater : May 27th, 2011-15:59 the "I have two expensive JLC watches and they are both the same" logic. Cheers, pplater.


 By: notaphilic : May 27th, 2011-12:28
That looks seriously uncomfortable. The spacer thing connecting the two watches isn't even long enough for you to have one watch on the top and the other on the bottom of your wrist. Crazy.

i tried that on a leather nato and it works, but is a bit pointless :)

 By: G99 : May 27th, 2011-12:45
its interesting that ABP have sussed out how many of us wear 2 watches although i would rather stick to 1 on each wrist. G

Beat wearing on both wristed

 By: Hororgasm : May 27th, 2011-14:14
I actually thought of something similar, but there would be one watch on the top wrist and the other under wrist. Thks fr sharing, cool option! Best, Horo


 By: Tony A.H : May 27th, 2011-15:51

whoever wears 2 watches is going to be a clown

 By: xsw : May 27th, 2011-16:23
a very scary and weird clown. 2 watches is so silly lol

For those who can't decide ...

 By: AndrewD : May 28th, 2011-06:53
... which watches to bring to IGOTT? I don't mind the concept, but primarily it doesn't look very comfortable in this configuration. I assume it's a marketing thing more than a commissioned strap? At least I can only hope. Andrew

sorry, it was done for a client at his request

 By: cazalea : May 28th, 2011-07:53
or so it seems from the caption

OK. Now I'm freaked out. Is this some sort of ...

 By: AndrewD : May 28th, 2011-09:33
... evolution of the WIS species? Hopefully it is a dead end branch of the evolutionary tree if it is! :-& Andrew