Agreed. Also looks like its too wide and compressed in at the lugs...

Oct 10, 2020,17:43 PM

Weird considering it isn't what they came on to my knowledge

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Two amazing pieces from an auction preview

 By: fourtaelsgold : October 10th, 2020-09:38
Sneaked in for an impromptu preview. The specialist generously showed me these 2 pieces. ...  

Oefff two of my fav brands .

 By: Watchonthewrists : October 10th, 2020-09:54
That S1 is def a dream watch imo and I would love to have such a great HM too . Thanks for sharing. Any favorite for you ?

I really like both of the pieces

 By: fourtaelsgold : October 10th, 2020-20:48
This is the first time I’ve handled an S1 and I have to say the finishing is impeccable. It’s definitely a grail of mine. The HMX is also an interesting piece but not as versatile. Nonetheless I want to add one to my collection.

Agree with what you say about the HM .

 By: Watchonthewrists : October 11th, 2020-01:18
Not a everyday watch but definitely a very cool one to have in your collection imho. And to own a GF one day would be a dream come true for me

Agreed. Also looks like its too wide and compressed in at the lugs...

 By: chap : October 10th, 2020-17:43
Weird considering it isn't what they came on to my knowledge

I think it’s just the strap that the auction house put on it

 By: fourtaelsgold : October 10th, 2020-20:46
It’s not an original strap